BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// 1.0//EN X-WR-CALDESC:GoogleカレンダーやiCalendar形式情報を共有シェ アしましょう。近所のイベントから全国のイベントま で今日のイベント検索やスケジュールを決めるならち っくたっく X-WR-CALNAME:ちっくたっく X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coromandel Weekender DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240517 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240519 UID:310772263198 DESCRIPTION: Come and join us for a fun weekend in the scenic Coromandel! This time we will start with a Poker Run from Thames at 10am on Saturday 1 8th May.From Thames we will travel over SH25A through Tairua and on to Whi tianga for a lunch stop either at Whitianga or you may want to go to furth er north to the popular Luke's Kitchen.In the afternoon we cross over to C oromandel town at your leisure.Saturday night we have booked the Top Pub a t Coromandel due to the amazing meals they have provided the last two year s.For bookings please complete this online registration form Any queries\ , please contact Derek Liefting - or 027 487 3375.The re is a small registration fee of $10 per car.Accommodation: One of our mo tels has closed for a few months so you will need to book accommodation ea rly due to less availability. Please book your own accommodation and remem ber to say you are from the MG Club.Coromandel Court - studios are $165 fo r a couple or two bedroom units are $195 ($20 per extra person) Tel 07 866 8402Anchor Lodge - $210 per night - Ph 078 866 7992 or email stay@anchorl LOCATION:Coromandel\, New Zealand END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR