BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// 1.0//EN X-WR-CALDESC:GoogleカレンダーやiCalendar形式情報を共有シェ アしましょう。近所のイベントから全国のイベントま で今日のイベント検索やスケジュールを決めるならち っくたっく X-WR-CALNAME:ちっくたっく X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: 一般財團法人東方學會:第68回国際東方学者会議 68th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EASTERN STUDIES 東京会議(2024年 5月18日(土)、日本教育会館8階会議室+オンライン( シンポジウムI・II・IV))※要申し込み DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240517 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240518 UID:404001754382 DESCRIPTION:研究会情報です。●公式サイトはこちらhttp://w※詳細は上記 サイトをご確認ください。東京会議 (Tokyo Session)Date: May 18\, 2024 (Saturday)8th floor of the Nihon Kyōiku Kaikan (Japan Education Center) 日本教育会館8階会議室2-6-2 Hitotsubashi\, Chiyoda-ku\, Tokyo 101-0003(千代田区一ツ橋2−6−2) Tel. 03-3230-2831Openin g Plenary Session (10:00-10:25 a.m.)Address:SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明\, Presi dent of the Tōhō GakkaiCongratulatory Message from Ministry of Foreign A ffairs of JapanSYMPOSIUM I (オンライン併用)尊厳概念の近代 日本への転移 (The Transfer of the Concept of Dignity to Modern Japan )Chairperson: MAKIZUMI Etsuko 牧角悦子\, Professor at Nishogakusha Uni versity10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by KOJIMA Tsuyoshi 小島毅\, P rofessor at the University of Tokyo10:40−11:20 Eddy DUFOURMONT (France): 中江兆民思想における尊厳と自由・平等観――フラン ス共和主義の導入を中心として (Dignity and the Conception of Freedom and Equality in the Thought of Nakae Chōmin: With a Focus on His Introduction of French Republicanism) (in Japanese)11:20−12:00 MAEGAWA K en'ichi 前川健一 (Japan): 近代仏教における縁起と尊厳 (De- pendent Origination and Dignity in Modern Buddhism) (in Japanese)12:00−1 2:20 Question and Answer Session (Morning Section)Lunch Time13:30−14:10 INUTSUKA Yū 犬塚悠 (Japan): 和辻哲郎における尊厳概念 (Wats uji Tetsurō's Concept of Dignity) (in Japanese)14:10−14:50 SHANG Zhaoqi 商兆琦 (China): 丸山眞男の「尊厳」認識――その公私研 究を手がかりに (The Recognition of "Dignity" by Maruyama Masao: Ref erring to His Study of Public and Private) (in Japanese)14:50−15:10 Ques tion and Answer Session (Afternoon Section)Coffee Break15:30--16:00 Commen t:NAKAJIMA Takahiro 中島隆博\, Professor at the University of Tokyo16: 00−17:00 DiscussionSYMPOSIUM II (オンライン併用)内藤湖南に みる近代日本東洋学の特質―歿後九十周年を記念して ( Characteristics of East Asian Studies in Modern Japan as Seen in the Case of Naitō Konan: In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of His Passing)1 0:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by MURATA Yūjirō 村田雄二郎\, Pro fessor at Doshisha University10:40−11:15 KANAZAWA Bunzō 金澤文三 (J apan): 内藤湖南と市村瓉次郎の漢詩酬唱――1905年奉天宮 殿文献調査をめぐる追憶 (Exchanges of Chinese Poems between Nait ō Konan and Ichimura Sanjirō: Reminiscences of the Investigation of Roya l Books in the Mukden Palaces in 1905) (in Japanese)11:15−11:50 KANNO Ch iaki 菅野智明 (Japan): 内藤湖南の中国書法史観をめぐる 諸問題 (Some Questions Concerning Naitō Konan's View of the History of Chinese Calligraphy) (in Japanese)11:50-12:10 DiscussionLunch Time13:30 −14:30 QIAN Wanyue 錢婉約 (China): 博を以て専を馭べる、体 用は不二なり――内藤湖南が撰した史学のモノグラフ の学術的特質について ("Dealing with the Particular through Wide- ranging Sources" and "The Inseparability of Essence and Function": On the Academic Characteristics of Naitō Konan's Monographs on History) (in Chin ese)*Chinese Translation by BAI Chunyan 白春岩\, Lecturer at Showa Wome n's University14:30−15:05 TAKEMOTO Norihito 竹元規人 (Japan): 1910 ~20年代の日本・中国における中国(史)研究の俯瞰的 分析――内藤湖南の再定位試論" (A Bird's-Eye Analysis of Rese arch on China and Chinese History in Japan and China in the 1910s and 1920 s: An Attempt to Reposition Naitō Konan) (in Japanese)Coffee Break15:25 −16:00 TAO Demin 陶徳民 (China): 近代に挑んだ経世気概の東 洋史学者――内藤湖南の性格規定に関する試論 (A Statesm anlike Scholar of East Asian History who Challenged Western-style Moderniz ation: An Attempt to Define Naitō Konan's Character) (in Japanese)16:00 −17:00 DiscussionSYMPOSIUM III仏典を歴史化する――インド仏 教研究の最前線 (Historicizing Buddhist Texts: The Forefront Researc h on Indian Buddhism)Chairperson: BABA Norihisa 馬場紀寿\, Professor a t the University of Tokyo10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by BABA Norihi sa10:40−11:40 Mark ALLON (Australia): The Gandhari Buddhist Manuscript C ollection at the Islamabad Museum\, Pakistan: Preserving Pakistan's Unique Buddhist Literary Heritage (イスラマバード博物館 (パキスタ ン) のガンダーラ語仏教写本コレクション――パキスタ ン特有の仏教文学遺産を保存する) (in English)Lunch Time13:00 −13:40 Henry ALBERY (UK): "Stealing" the Buddha's Relics in Law\, Narrat ive and History (律、説話、歴史におけるブッダの聖遺物を 盗むこと) (in English)13:40−14:20 BABA Norihisa 馬場紀寿 (Japan) : 『転法輪経』とダルマトラータ (The Dhammacakkappavattana-su tta and Dharmatrāta) (in Japanese)Coffee Break14:40−15:20 TESHIMA Hidek i 手嶋英貴 (Japan): 無遮会と般闍于瑟――仏典にかいま 見える「大施与」儀礼の生成 (The "Unrestricted Assembly" and t he Quinquennial Rite: The Genesis of "Great Almsgiving" Rites Discernible in Buddhist Texts) (in Japanese)15:20−16:00 TANEMURA Ryūgen 種村隆 元 (Japan): インド中世初期におけるタントラの発展と密 教 (The Development of the Tantras in Early Medieval India and Tantric Bu ddhism) (in Japanese)16:00−17:00 DiscussionSYMPOSIUM IV (オンライン 併用)ユーラシアにおける文書と通信―勅書、国書、条 約文 (Documents and Communication in Eurasia: Edicts\, Diplomatic Letter s\, and Treaty Texts)Chairperson: MATSUI Dai 松井太\, Professor at the University of Osaka10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by ONUMA Takahiro 小沼孝博\, Professor at Tohoku Gakuin University10:40−11:20 FUNADA Y oshiyuki 舩田善之 (Japan): モンゴル帝国における多言語文 書の発給とその碑刻の立石 (The Production of Multilingual Docum ents and Their Inscription on Steles in the Mongol Empire) (in Japanese)11 :20−12:00 KONDŌ Nobuaki 近藤信彰 (Japan): 誓言から条約へ― ―ペルシア語文化圏におけるアフドナーメ (From an Oath to a Treaty: The 'Ahd-name in Persianate Societies) (in Japanese)Lunch Time1 3:10−13:50 DUISENALI\, Abdilashim (Kazakhstan): 18世紀カザフ・ハ ン国の外交関係――清朝宛カザフ語文書に見える辺境 地での出来事をめぐって (The Foreign Relations of the Kazakh Kha nate in the 18th Century: On Events in a Frontier Region as Seen in Kazakh Documents Sent to the Ch'ing Court) (in Japanese)13:50−14:30 ONUMA Taka hiro 小沼孝博 (Japana): 清の対中央アジア国書におけるテ ュルク文面の成立と宮廷訳官 (Ch'ing Imperial Letters Addressed to Central Asia: The Emergence of the Turkic Texts and Court Translator O fficials) (in Japanese)Coffee Break14:45−15:25 KOBAYASHI Ryōsuke 小林 亮介 (Japana): シムラ条約(1914年)再検討――チベット 語条文への着目 (A Reexamination of the Simla Convention of 1914: Fo cusing on the Tibetan Texts) (in Japanese)15:25−15:55 Comments:MATSUI Da i &\; YANAGISAWA Akira 柳澤明\, Professor at Waseda University15:55 −17:00 DiscussionSYMPOSIUM V騎馬民族征服説再考―考古学か らみたヒト・モノ・文化の移動 (Reconsidering the Horserider T hesis: The Movement of People\, Things\, and Culture as Seen through Archa eology)Chairperson: OKAMURA Hidenori 岡村秀典\, Director of Kurokawa I nstitute of Ancient Cultures10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by ISAHAYA Naoto 諫早直人\, Associate Professor at Kyoto Prefectural University10 :30−11:20 ISAHAYA Naoto 諫早直人 (Japan): 騎馬民族征服説再 考――日本列島古墳時代における騎馬文化の出現 (Recons idering the Horse-rider Thesis: The Emergence of Horse-riding Culture on t he Japanese Archipelago in the Kofun Period) (in Japanese)11:20−12:00 LE E Hyun-Woo 李鉉宇 (Korea): 韓半島三国時代における新式馬 具の波及とその画期 (The Spread of New Types of Horse Trappings on the Korean Peninsula during the Three Kingdoms Period) (in Korean)Lunch T ime13:00−13:00 NAKAMURA Daisuke 中村大介 (Japan): モンゴル高原 の初期騎馬遊牧民――匈奴台頭による転換 (Early Horse-rid ing Nomads on the Mongolian Plateau: A Transition Due to the Emergence of the Hsiung-nu) (in Japanese)13:30−14:00 MUKAI Yūsuke 向井佑介 (Japa n): 中国北方の騎馬文化 ――夫余・鮮卑を中心に (The Hor se-riding Culture of Northern China: With a Focus on the Puyŏ and the Hsi en-pei) (in Japanese)14:00−14:30 Joseph RYAN (USA): 欧米における 騎馬民族征服説の展開と武装様式の変化からみた今日 的評価 (The Development of the Horse-rider Thesis in the West and a Rea ssessment Based on Changes Seen in Weapon Styles) (in Japanese)14:30−15: 00 NAGATOMO Tomoko 長友朋子 (Japan): 騎馬文化出現に伴う生活 様式(炊事様式)の変化 (Changes in Lifestyle [Cooking Styles] A ccompanying the Emergence of Horse-riding Culture) (in Japanese)15:20−16 :50 DiscussionComment: TANAKA Fumio 田中史生\, Professor at Waseda Uni versitySYMPOSIUM VI平安時代史研究の最前線―摂関期を中心 に (The Forefront of Research on Heian History: With a Focus on the Regen cy Peiord)Chairpersons: ŌTSU Tōru 大津透\, Professor at the Universit y of Tokyo10:30−10:45 Introductory Remarks by ŌTSU Tōru10:45−11:45 A ntonin FERRÉ (France): 花山院書写山御幸について /フラン スにおける平安時代史研究の現在 (The Pilgrimage of Emperor K azan to Shoshazan: With Additional Comments on the Current State LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR