Today 2024 December9 (Mon) 01:29 Etc/GMT-9

🕖 2024/12/10 02:30~2024/12/10 03:00

🕖 2024/12/10 03:00~2024/12/10 06:00

🕖 2024/12/10 06:00~2024/12/10 07:45

C - School Penance Service

/jackie Per email from Dr. Boysen

🕖 2024/12/11 02:30~2024/12/11 05:30

Church & Patio - Evening of Recollection

Evening will start in the Patio with a light re...

🕖 2024/12/11 11:00~2024/12/11 14:00

Evening of Recollection & Penance Service

No other meetings or events to be scheduled. 9/...

🕖 2024/12/10~2024/12/11

C- School Rehearsal

Updated on 11/25/24 MV

🕖 2024/12/12 02:15~2024/12/12 07:45

C- Mass (with Mariachi Band & Aztec Dancers)

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Mariachi a...

🕖 2024/12/12 22:00~2024/12/12 23:30

C-Mass (with Music)

Reception to follow Mass.

🕖 2024/12/13 01:30~2024/12/13 02:30