Today 2025 February18 (Tue) 19:04 Etc/GMT-9

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Working Party (Zoom)

Venue/Location: Via Zoom Service Responsible: A...

🕖 2025/02/19 13:30~2025/02/19 15:00

Southern Principal Meeting

Venue/Location: St Therese's Catholic Primary S...

📍 St Therese's Catholic School, 24 Hopkins St, Moonah TAS 7009, Australia

🕖 2025/02/20 07:00~2025/02/20 13:00

Northern Principal Meeting

Venue: St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary SchoolS...

📍 St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School, 1 Sampson Ave, Smithton TAS 7330, Australia

🕖 2025/02/21 07:00~2025/02/21 13:00

🕖 2025/02/16~2025/02/21

🕖 2025/02/21 22:00~2025/02/22 22:00

Primary ILRE & REC Network Meeting

Venue: TBC Service Responsible: CIE Team Contac...

📍 Campbell Town TAS 7210, Australia

🕖 2025/02/24 08:00~2025/02/24 13:00

Secondary Maths Curriculum Development Meeting

Venue/Location: Liv Eat Campbell Town Meeting R...

📍 Liv Eat Campbell Town, 92 High St, Campbell Town TAS 7210, Australia

🕖 2025/02/25 07:30~2025/02/25 12:30

Capital Master Planning Working Group (CMPWG)

Contact: Kellie BuckEmail: Kellie.buck@catholic...

📍 TCEO Conference Room

🕖 2025/02/26 07:00~2025/02/26 09:00

Child Safety Committee - Term 1

Service Responsible: People ServicesContact: Be...

📍 Conference Room

🕖 2025/02/26 13:30~2025/02/26 15:00

CPAT Strategic Planning day for the Executive

CPAT Executive Meeting Strategic Planning DayVe...

🕖 2025/02/27~2025/02/28