Today 2024 May21 (Tue) 04:01 Etc/GMT-8

🕖 2024/05/21 06:30~2024/05/21 08:00

Festal meal

Pitch-in fish dinner

📍 Church Hall

🕖 2024/05/21 08:00~2024/05/21 09:30

Divine Liturgy

Followed by festal pitch in

🕖 2024/05/21 12:00~2024/05/21 12:00

Hierarchal Divine Liturgy

Ordination of Christopher McCulloh to the diaco...

🕖 2024/05/21 20:00~2024/05/21 22:30

🕖 2024/05/21 12:00~2024/05/22 12:00

🕖 2024/05/23 06:30~2024/05/23 07:15

🕖 2024/05/23 09:30~2024/05/23 11:00

🕖 2024/05/23 14:00~2024/05/23 14:00