Today 2024 July27 (Sat) 19:25 Etc/GMT-9
About 125 results

St. Poemen of Egypt +450

On MASOCNA Calendar Abba Poemon

🕖 2024/07/27 03:30~2024/07/28 03:30

St. Pantaleon (Panteleimon)

Probably different from Mor Osio? Martyr Pari...

🕖 2024/07/27 03:30~2024/07/28 03:30

Mor Osio

July 27th is the Commemoration of the dukhrono ...

🕖 2024/07/27 03:30~2024/07/28 03:30

Mor Athanasius I Gammolo

Patriarch of Antioch BL14504

🕖 2024/07/27 03:30~2024/07/28 03:30

Mor Shem`un the Stylite (c. 390-459)

July 27th is the commemoration of the dukhrono ...

🕖 2024/07/27 03:30~2024/07/28 03:30

Mor Osthatheos Thomas +2000

July 28th is the anniversary of the demise of o...

🕖 2024/07/28 03:30~2024/07/29 03:30

Sts. Prochorus and Nicanor, Evangelists

Among the Seventy Two (72) Disciples RSoH

🕖 2024/07/28 03:30~2024/07/29 03:30

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

The Holy Bible readings from the Church Lection...

🕖 2024/07/28~2024/07/29

St. Theodota and her three sons in Bithynia

The Holy martyr Theodota and her three young ch...

🕖 2024/07/29 03:30~2024/07/30 03:30

St. Hilaria and St. Eupraxia (Euphrasia)

Daughter of Emperor Zeno and daughter of a nobl...

🕖 2024/07/29 03:30~2024/07/30 03:30