Today 2024 July27 (Sat) 14:07 Etc/GMT-9

🕖 2024/07/27 14:00~2024/07/28 14:00

🕖 2024/07/29 14:00~2024/07/30 14:00

Anniversaries of 1st Profession

The following made their first profession of vo...

🕖 2024/08/01 14:00~2024/08/02 14:00

🕖 2024/08/02 14:00~2024/08/03 14:00

Anniversary of 1st Profession

The following professed their first vows on Au...

🕖 2024/08/05 14:00~2024/08/06 14:00

Anniversary of profession

Fr. Greg Schill made his first profession on Au...

🕖 2024/08/06 14:00~2024/08/07 14:00

🕖 2024/08/08 14:00~2024/08/09 14:00

Anniversaries of 1st Profession

Those who made their first profession of vows o...

🕖 2024/08/12 14:00~2024/08/13 14:00

Fr. Gustave Lulendo N'dotony ordination anniversary

Fr. Gustave Lulendo was ordained to the priesth...

🕖 2024/08/14 14:00~2024/08/15 14:00