本日 2024年5月18日(土) 19:10 Etc/GMT-9

Baptism (C)

📍 Church

🕖 2024/05/19 00:00~2024/05/19 00:30

Wedding (C)

📍 Church

🕖 2024/05/19 04:00~2024/05/19 05:00

Wedding Prep (SL)

📍 Social Level Rm 2 and 3

🕖 2024/05/18 22:00~2024/05/19 05:00

Private Event (SHC)

📍 Sacred Heart Center

🕖 2024/05/19 01:00~2024/05/19 07:00

Private Event (MPC)

📍 MPC - Conf rm A/B and meeting rm 3

🕖 2024/05/19 02:00~2024/05/19 13:00

Private Event (MPC)

📍 MPC - conf rm A/B

🕖 2024/05/20 00:00~2024/05/20 06:30

Moms of Faith (MPC)

📍 MPC - meeting rm 2

🕖 2024/05/20 09:00~2024/05/20 11:00

Pentecost (C)

📍 Church

🕖 2024/05/19~2024/05/20